Round Dancing

Learn at Home

Dance Events

If you are new to dancing why not try out the self guided website. It can be used in the privacy of your own home and includes everything you need to cover an introduction to Rumba, Cha, Two Step and Waltz. Clicking on the image will take you direct to the website.

Round Dance Instruction is a complete FREE package of written, spoken and video clips which will allow you to learn at your own pace using your laptop or TV.

If you have ever considered giving dance a try now is your chance. You can get together with a group of friends and take the opportunity to enlist the help of an experienced dance teacher. If you contact the RDC you can arrange an in-person session to suit your needs. 

For more information you can email the RDC at or call Stephen on 07914-266-596.

You can also contact the dance teachers direct. Their details are on the ‘Coming To You’ poster.